# of Systems Eliminated | If an agreement includes the consolidation or elimination of a PWS, the number of system eliminated with the agreement. |
Additional Subsidy Amount | Total amount of the assistance agreement that is being provided as additional subsidy (e.g., principal forgiveness, grant, negative interest). |
Borrower Name | Name of the borrower receiving SRF assistance. |
City | The name of the city associated with the primary PWS in the SDWIS data system. |
Compliance Category | Maintain Compliance when the facility/system was already in compliance before the project and has a lower risk of falling out of compliance after the project.
Return to Compliance when the facility/system was out of compliance before the project and is expected to be in compliance at project completion.
Comply with Upcoming Requirement when the facility is undertaking a project to address a contaminant that will have a known MCL in effect in the near future/ Address State Only Listed
Contaminant when the facility is addressing a contaminant list with the state, but not with the federal government /Other - When the project does not meet any of the above criteria (i.e. green project only) |
Conduit Finance? | Yes indicates that the DWSRF is providing funding to an intermediary such as bank, state agency, or conservation districts.
The intermediaries use these funds to provide financing to the actual end borrowers. Examples of Conduit/Intermediary
Financing include Passthrough Lending and Linked Deposit. |
County Served | The Primary County served by the PWS |
Current Agreement Amount | The total assistance agreement amount as of the Latest Agreement Action Date. Specifically, this amount includes the initial agreement amount plus/minus all incremental changes that have occurred up to the date of the latest agreement action. |
Current Appropriation Additional Subsidy | The amount of subsidy from the authority provided by the annual appropriation |
Current Non-SRF Funding | The dollar value of non-DWSRF co-funding from federal, state, and local sources as reflected in the current value of the assistance. |
Current SDWA Disadvantaged Assistance Additional Subsidy | The amount of subsidy from the authority provided by the the SDWA disadvantaged assistance authority |
Current WIFTA Additional Subsidy | The amount of subsidy from the authority provided by the authority provided under WIFTA |
Disadvantaged Community? | Yes indicates that the assistance agreement is providing funding to a hardship or disadvantaged community (as defined by the state). |
Estimated LSLs Replaced | The number of LSL expected to be replaced as part of the assistance agreement. |
Federal Funding? | Select Yes if this project will receive non-SRF funding from another federal program. |
Fee Rate (%) | The fee rate (annualized) charged for this assistance agreement. This fee rate is in addition to the assistance agreement interest rate (reported separately). |
Final LSL Replaced | The number of LSL actually replaced at the completion of the assistane agreement. |
Finance Charge | The effective interest rate charged to the borrower. Note: This field will be auto-calculated as the sum of the interest rate and the fee rate. |
Grant Assigned Subsidy | The dollar value of DWSRF subsidy assigned to a grant, as the authority for that subsidy. Please note that WIFTA subsidy does not derive from a grant, so not all subsidy will be assigned to a grant. |
Includes Additional Subsidy? | Yes indicates that the SRF assistance agreement additional subsidy (e.g., principal forgiveness, grant, negative interest). |
Initial Agreement Amount | The amount of assistance agreement when it was first made. |
Initial Agreement Date | The Initial date of the DWSRF agreement. Actual dates only (no future dates). |
Interest Rate (%) | The final interest rate (annualized) charged for this assistance agreement. This assistance agreement interest rate does not include the fee rate (reported separately). For conduit/intermediary financing being reported as a group, this data field can be recorded as an average of loans made by the intermediary. |
Latest Agreement Action | The most recent action taken on the assistance agreement (e.g., initial agreement, amendment, deobligation, final agreement). |
Linked Assistance Agreement - State Tracking Number | State tracking number of the assistance agreement that previously provided funding for the project or projects being funded by this assistance agreement. |
Linked Assistance Agreement? | Yes indicates that this assistance agreement is continuing funding for a project or projects that received funding from a prior SRF assistance agreement. |
Linked Deposit Finance | Linked Deposit Financing is when DWSRF funds to be used to purchase a reduced-rate certificate of deposit from a private financial institution. The financial institution then loans out the deposited funds (at a slightly lower interest rate) to smaller drinking water projects. |
Local Funding? | Does this assistance agreement have co-funding that comes from the communty or facility. |
No Sub Agreements | Please provide the number of sub-agreements provided by the conduit and intermediary lender |
Non-SRF Co-funding - Federal | The amount of non-SRF co-funding being provided by another non-SRF federal funding program(s) (e.g., WIFIA) . |
Non-SRF Co-funding - Local | The amount of non-SRF co-funding being provided by another non-SRF local funding source (e.g., general revenue bonds, cash reserves). |
Non-SRF Co-funding - State | The amount of non-SRF co-funding being provided by another non-DWSRF state funding program(s). |
PWS Name | The name of the PWS as identified with the SDWIS database for this system |
PWS Type | The category of PWS as identified with the SDWIS database for this system |
PWSID | The unique number assigned to the PWS as identified with the SDWIS database for this system |
Programmatic Finance? | Yes indicates the SRF is committing funding to cover a group of eligible projects from the borrowers capital improvement plan instead of providing funding for a specific project (or group of projects). SRF funding can go toward any eligible project costs associated with these projects. |
Project Completion | Project completion is defined as the date when the SRF funded project comes into operation (or is capable of coming into operation) -- i.e. the SRF project is complete. In cases where the SRF only provides partial funding for the project, the project completion date is defined as the date when the SRF funded portion of the project is complete (i.e., date of the final disbursement of SRF funds). |
Project Count | The total number of distinct projects associated with this assistance agreement |
Project Description | Brief description of what the project is and what it is trying to accomplish. |
Project Has Consolidations | Does this project include consolidation of systems? |
Project Name | Brief but descriptive name for SRF funded project. |
Project Needs Categories | SRF Funding by project needs categories. |
Project Total Consolidations Count | The number of systems consolidated. |
Project start - Loan | The project start date is defined as the date of issuance to a contractor of a notice to proceed for the initial SRF funded contract. Or, if a notice to proceed is not required or the project includes planning and design, the date of execution of the initial SRF funded contract awarded for the project can be used. If neither of these are viable options, states may use their best judgement on what dates should be used. In cases where the SRF only provides partial funding for the project,
the project start date is defined as the date when the SRF funded portion of the work is authorized to begin. |
Region | EPA Region, based on state. |
Repayment Period (Years) | The repayment period for the assistance agreement (in years). |
Sponsorship Lending: Implementing Partner | The partner that is helping the borrower to develop and implement the sponsored nontraditional project (sponsorship lending). |
Sponsorship Lending? | Yes indicates sponsorship lending that pairs a traditional Publicly Owned Treatment Work project with a nontraditional one, usually a non-point source project. For example, a municipality receives a loan with a reduced interest rate as compensation for also undertaking (i.e., sponsoring) a nontraditional project.
This allows municipalities to address pressing watershed restoration or protection priorities without placing a repayment responsibility on nonpoint source projects. |
State | State SRF program |
State Funding? | Select Yes if this project will receive non-SRF funding from another state program. |